The extraction industry traces its origin back to ancient scriptures but is still on the road of evolution. We, ACM Natural Products, are an emerging manufacturer of Spice oleoresins and essential oils. No country in the world produces as many kinds of spices as India with superior quality spices coming from the south. While innovation drives us, high-quality remains our hallmark. With a large number of crew working for us in each departments, we follow special guidelines during each stage of the production process. A high stress on quality, special quality circles and dedicated teams working on Total Quality Management (TQM) projects make quality a way of life in ACM. We firmly believe in forging close ties with our customers, understanding their business and partnering their growth.
Our mission is to ensure safe and quality production by conforming to manufacturing (GMP, GLP & GSP) standards and providing unadulterated natural products tailor-made to customer requirements and thereby retaining the goodness of the original spice so that every customer goes so smiling.
ACM Natural Products Pvt Ltd
Mampad, Kerala 676542